Airflow settings and configuration
Apache Airflow is a system to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor data pipelines. How to quickly deploy, diagnose, and evaluate your data pipeline tasks in Airflow using CLI
Install Airflow
1. Install Airflow
Follow the installation instructions on the Airflow website.
Update Airflow Configurations
To configure Airflow to use Postgres rather than the default Sqlite3, go to airflow.cfg and update this configuration to LocalExecutor:# The executor class that airflow should use. Choices include
# SequentialExecutor, LocalExecutor, CeleryExecutor
executor = LocalExecutor
The LocalExecutor can parallelize task instances locally.
Also update the SequelAlchemy string to point to a database you are about to create.# The SqlAlchemy connection string to the metadata database.
# SqlAlchemy supports many different database engine, more information
# their website
sql_alchemy_conn = postgresql+psycopg2://localhost/airflow
Next open a PostgreSQL shell.psql
And create a new postgres database.CREATE DATABASE airflow
Your now ready to initialize the DB in Airflow. In bash run:airflow initdb
Create a DAG
1. Create a DAG folder.
In the console run:mkdir airflow/dags
2. Add the necessary connections.
The first connection for my API call:
- connection type of HTTP.
- connection identifier of moves_profile.
- host string of the full API endpoint: https://moves….
The second connection for my project database:
- connection type of Postgres.
- connection identifier of users (name of the table).
- host string of
- schema string (database name) of kojak.
- login of postgres (default).
3. Create a DAG python configuration file.
In the console run:touch ~/airflow/dags/
Then add your DAG configs."""
DAG pulls a user's profile information from the Moves API.
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator
from airflow.hooks import HttpHook, PostgresHook
from airflow.operators import PythonOperator
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import json
def get_profile(ds, **kwargs):
pg_hook = PostgresHook(postgres_conn_id='users')
api_hook = HttpHook(http_conn_id='moves_profile', method='GET')
# Get profile info from Moves API
resp ='')
profile = json.loads(resp.content.decode('utf-8'))
moves_user_id = profile['userId']
moves_first_date = profile['profile']['firstDate']
timezone = profile['profile']['currentTimeZone']['id']
# Insert profile values into Postgres DB
user_insert = """INSERT INTO users (moves_user_id, moves_start_date, timezone)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s);""", parameters=(moves_user_id, moves_first_date, timezone))
default_args = {
'owner': 'rosiehoyem',
'depends_on_past': False,
'start_date': datetime(2017, 3, 21),
'email': [''],
'email_on_failure': False,
'email_on_retry': False,
'retries': 1,
'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=1),
# 'queue': 'bash_queue',
# 'pool': 'backfill',
# 'priority_weight': 10,
# 'end_date': datetime(2016, 1, 1),
dag = DAG('moves_profile', default_args=default_args, schedule_interval=timedelta(1))
get_profile_task = \
Deploy with Docker
1. Setup an EC2 instance
Be sure you’ve set-up Port 8080:
- Custom TCP Rule
- Port Range: 80 (for web REST)
- Source: Anywhere).
2. Install Docker on the EC2 instance.
3. Pull and run the docker-airflow image onto your EC2 instance
Instructions for this instance can be found on the image Github page.docker pull puckel/docker-airflow
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 puckel/docker-airflow
4. Create a tunnel from your local terminal into your EC2 instance on port 8080.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/aws_key_file.pem -NL 12345:localhost:8080 ubuntu@XX.XXX.XXX.XXX
Go to airflow container
docker exec -it b5d116ad83cc bash
Create user
airflow users create \
--username airflow \
--firstname Airflow \
--lastname Apache \
--role Admin \
--email \
--password airflow
Airflow CLI
Miscellaneous commands
airflow cheat-sheet | Display cheat sheet
airflow info | Show information about current Airflow and environment
airflow kerberos | Start a kerberos ticket renewer
airflow plugins | Dump information about loaded plugins
airflow rotate-fernet-key | Rotate encrypted connection credentials and variables
airflow scheduler | Start a scheduler instance
airflow sync-perm | Update permissions for existing roles and DAGs
airflow version | Show the version
airflow webserver | Start a Airflow webserver instance
Celery components
airflow celery flower | Start a Celery Flower
airflow celery stop | Stop the Celery worker gracefully
airflow celery worker | Start a Celery worker node
View configuration
airflow config get-value | Print the value of the configuration
airflow config list | List options for the configuration
Manage connections
airflow connections add | Add a connection
airflow connections delete | Delete a connection
airflow connections export | Export all connections
airflow connections get | Get a connection
airflow connections list | List connections
Manage DAGs
airflow dags backfill | Run subsections of a DAG for a specified date range
airflow dags delete | Delete all DB records related to the specified DAG
airflow dags list | List all the DAGs
airflow dags list-jobs | List the jobs
airflow dags list-runs | List DAG runs given a DAG id
airflow dags next-execution | Get the next execution datetimes of a DAG
airflow dags pause | Pause a DAG
airflow dags report | Show DagBag loading report
airflow dags show | Displays DAGs tasks with their dependencies
airflow dags state | Get the status of a dag run
airflow dags test | Execute one single DagRun
airflow dags trigger | Trigger a DAG run
airflow dags unpause | Resume a paused DAG
Database operations
airflow db check | Check if the database can be reached
airflow db check-migrations | Check if migration have finished
airflow db init | Initialize the metadata database
airflow db reset | Burn down and rebuild the metadata database
airflow db shell | Runs a shell to access the database
airflow db upgrade | Upgrade the metadata database to latest version
Tools to help run the KubernetesExecutor
airflow kubernetes cleanup-pods | Clean up Kubernetes pods in evicted/failed/succeeded states
airflow kubernetes generate-dag-yaml | Generate YAML files for all tasks in DAG. Useful for debugging tasks without launching into a cluster
Manage pools
airflow pools delete | Delete pool
airflow pools export | Export all pools
airflow pools get | Get pool size
airflow pools import | Import pools
airflow pools list | List pools
airflow pools set | Configure pool
Display providers
airflow providers behaviours | Get information about registered connection types with custom behaviours
airflow providers get | Get detailed information about a provider
airflow providers hooks | List registered provider hooks
airflow providers links | List extra links registered by the providers
airflow providers list | List installed providers
airflow providers widgets | Get information about registered connection form widgets
airflow users | list will list down all users and their roles
airflow users create --role Admin --username admin --email admin --firstname admin --lastname admin --password admin | will create a new user
airflow users delete -u USERNAME | will delete that user
airflow tasks list DAG_ID | will list down all tasks related to a given DAG
airflow tasks test DAG_ID> TASK_ID> EXECUTION_TIME> | will perform test on a specific task in a DAG
- Renders all templateable attributes of a given task
airflow tasks render [dag id] [task id] [desired execution date]airflow tasks render example_dag run_this 2021-01-01
- Add postgres connections
airflow connections add \
--conn-type postgres \
--conn-host localhost \
--conn-login postgres \
--conn-password mysecretpassword \